Stanley O. Styles Industry Excellence Award Nomination Form

The National Paper Trade Association (NPTA)'s highest honor is awarded to an individual who has had a distinguished career in the printing paper industry. Each year, the Stanley O. Styles Nominations Committee selects an industry leader who has made a positive impact through innovation and dedication, and whose character represents the ideals for which leaders all strive.

NPTA is pleased to recognize Tom Groves of WCP Solutions, as the recipient of the 2024 Stanley O. Styles Industry Excellence Award. Check out this press release to learn more about Tom and the impact he's made to the printing paper community. 

View past Stanley O. Styles Industry Excellence Award winners

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Please list most recent former employer if retired.

Paper Merchant/Distributor/Wholesaler
Paper Manufacturer

Printing Paper
Supplies (jan-san, food service, healthcare, etc.)

Please provide a brief overview of the nominee's career, including growth in responsibilities:

Please list 1 to 3 major accomplishments:

Please list any major innovations in business:

Please describe the nominee’s character, both personally and in business:

Describe the nominee’s involvement in industry affairs, trade associations, affiliations, etc., and what actions he or she initiated on behalf of the industry:

Please provide any other information about this individual that would support his or her candidacy for the Stanley O. Styles Industry Excellence Award:

Please submit any recommendations (especially from trading partners) which you feel will help the section committee in their deliberations. Please upload any letters of reocommendation.

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